Monday, 28 November 2016

Culture groups : )

Last Saturday we had culture groups were sorts of schools come and performed 

This lucyanne and Berlin They are waiting to go on stage with there beautiful costumes. There were in the Maori group .

This is Gracie, Grace, Nahlah. They are is the Hawaiian group looking forward to going on stage and being a role model.

This is the Niue group There are lost of people so I can not tell you there name because I do not know there names only a few. But they look perfect.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Learning about niue : )

Hi It's me Charlotte again I want to learn about Niue hope you like it : )

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Camp photos

Hi these are some photos at camp hope you love it

Friday, 4 November 2016

Chosen valley camp

My camp 

This was one at the hardest things i had to do at camp.

This is me on the water slide people call but it is a mud slide.

This is where I was kayaking it was really fun.

Monday, 29 August 2016

My speech

1 My name is Charlotte and I am going to speak about Bullying. Bullying is when someone puts down an individual by using bad words and rude comments. This is a common activity which Is happening all around the world, even now as I speak it is happening somewhere. 

 2 There are so many types of bullying, common type of Bullying Cyber bullying, Verbal bullying, physical bullying and social bullying. Its defined as when a group of two or more individuals who like to take advantage of victims through all sorts of ways. 

 3 Today I am going to talk about Verbal bullying. Verbal bullying is a mean of using words in a negative way such as insulting, teasing, putting down. It's happened all over the world and 3.2 million people are affected from verbal bullying.Types of verbal bullying swearing, growling, teasing, shouting and talking about other people's nationality and religion in wrong way. 

4 The children who are verbally bullying are very sad. This has a very bad effect on their brain and body. It is bad for their brain because words can hurt them. Did you know that when you or someone else says something mean it gets stuck in their brain and they can start to think it's true. 

 5 Verbal bullying can hurt kids when it happens at school they are to scared to tell their parents because they think it is going to get worse because their mum and dad are going to tell the bullies mum and dad. The bullying might get worse because the bully is going to be angry and bully him again and again. However this is not true. Telling someone you trust is the best way to make it stop. 

6 Verbal bullying is not good. If it happens to someone near you then we should try our best to help them. Stand up for them and help them tell an adult. You need to think if you were one of them would you like it if it happens to you? You would feel bad. 

7 If you where the person that's getting bullied, here are some ways to get help. 

8 Speak about it at home and school by telling your teacher or parents. Try standing up for yourself and say to them stop it I don't like it. Walk or run away from them. 

9 The most import thing to remember is to get help. It's time to stop verbal bullying. Today I have told you the ways to do this and what happens when we don't help when we see it happening. Its up to you to do something. Stop bullying today.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Monday, 4 July 2016

Tuesday, 28 June 2016


We where learning how to use screencastify This is my first one.

Stop Go Animation

I have bean learning How to use stop Go animation

Friday, 10 June 2016

Short story

A whistle blew and the game was finished. It was quiet and within 5 seconds everyone started to disappeared. There was only the referee left and she got scared. She could hear one person. She started to look for her. 5,4,3,2,1. She found her under the table and the referee asked “How did you get stuck under there?” The little girl said “I was playing hide and seek.” They both hid under the table and the little girl was crying for her mum. The referee tried to tell her to stay under the table but the little girl bit her arm and she run out and saw her mum and dad outside. The referee said “what, I thought everyone disappeared?” When she got out from under the table she went outside and everyone was happy to see her. They said “oh there you are where did you go?” “ I was still inside and thought everyone had disappeared so I started to get scared.” “Don't be silly, we were here all the time!” The referee blurted to himself “oh I think I should have a little nap.” Everyone shouted “do not go for a nap, we have to celebrate because our team WON!!!!!!” The referee said “okay I will celebrate with you.” So they went out to eat.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Science journal

Here is our science journal we did this week

My ideas

This week I have been thinking of my ideas for the garden.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Fireman saves kitten on GoPro

Hi for reading i went on kiwi kid news. When I was reading. I found a video It is about A fireman saves a kitten.          Here is the link if you are Interested.

Thursday, 5 May 2016


Hi we did a poster about confident.

Thursday, 28 April 2016


Hi this is my homework I really wanted to finish this so I can put it on my blog. It is called animation

Friday, 15 April 2016

Brain poster

This is my work I did today It is called Brain poster.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Te Reo

Hi my name is Charlotte And I am leaning about Te Reo. Here is a video I did it with my friend lucyanne.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Thursday, 24 March 2016

BY lucyanne and charlotte

This work I did whith lucyanne.If you go on her blog you will see it.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

care code

Look after everyone and everything.

Thursday, 25 February 2016


Ko Au
Tena koe/korua/koutou
No Niue ahau (my place/place from)
Ko Owairaka te kura (school)
Ko Owairaka toku maunga (mountain)
Ko Taniue toku iwi (tribe)
Ko Niue toku marae (marae)
Ko Fiona toku mama (mother)
Ko Mone toku papa (father)
Ko Ana-Zariya toku tuakana
(older sister of female/older brother of male)
Ko Elye toku teina
(younger sister of female/younger brother of male)
Ko Elye toku tungane (a sister’s brother)
Ko Ana-Zariya oku tuahine (a brother’s sister)
Ko Charlotte taku ingoa (my first name)

Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena koutou katoa

(Greetings to you, greetings to you, greeting to you all)24 Feb 2016 10:02:44.jpg